Vietnam has 5 culinary specialties recognized by 2 world organizations for setting records.

Being recognized by 2 world organizations for setting records affirms the attractiveness and diversity of Vietnamese cuisine among international tourists.

Recently, according to VietKings, for the first time, Vietnam has 5 culinary specialties recognized by 2 world organizations for setting records, including the World Record Union (WorldKings) and the World Records Association (WRA). 

In late 2020, WorldKings recognized the first 5 world records in the field of Vietnamese cuisine. Recently, based on 5 nominations from VietKings, WRA also officially established 5 records in this culinary field. Being recognized by 2 world organizations for setting records affirms the attractiveness and diversity of Vietnamese cuisine among internal

The first 5 world records in the culinary field of Vietnam were established, including:

The country that owns the most attractive fiber and water dishes in the world

(Vietnamese dishes and drinks are prepared with a variety of ingredients, each region has its own unique characteristics from the taste to the presentation.)

Currently, there are 164 Vietnamese dishes with noodles and broth and the list continues to be updated, including famous dishes such as pho, bun bo Hue, cao lau, mi Quang, banh canh, and hu tieu.

Vietnam is a country with many fermented dishes and foods made from fermented ingredients with the most unique flavor in the world. 

(Vietnamese fermented dishes have a special flavor and hold an important position in daily meals.)

Vietnam is also the country with the most fermented dishes and foods made from fermented ingredients in the world with 100 dishes, including some prominent types such as fish sauce, shrimp paste, and fermented anchovy paste.

Vietnam is also known for having many types of cakes made from steamed rice flour, which are the most attractive in the world

(Whether it’s sticky or non-sticky rice, Vietnamese people use it as an ingredient to create countless types of cakes with delicious and unique flavors.)

The WorldKings list currently updates more than 143 dishes made from rice in Vietnam. From various types of rice flour, Vietnamese people make many delicious cakes with different processing methods such as fried cakes, steamed rice cakes, rice dumplings, rice cake wrapped in leaves, and prickly ash leaf cake.

The country owns the most rolled dishes in the world. 

(Vietnam continues to hold the record for the most rolled dishes in the world.)

Currently, Vietnam has 103 rolled dishes and is still being updated. Among them, the most famous must be rolled pho, steamed rice rolls, pork wrapped in rice paper, grilled or fried spring rolls, and fresh spring rolls… Vietnam is also known as a paradise for rolled dishes with fresh rolls, fried rolls (nem), rice paper rolls, and pho rolls.

The country owns the most flower dishes in the world.

( Many countries also use edible flowers in cuisine, but Vietnam holds the highest record.)

From 43 different edible flowers, Vietnamese people have created up to 272 dishes, and the list of dishes is still being updated. When it comes to flower dishes, one cannot miss the banana blossom salad, hot pot with crazy flower, lotus leaf rice, sour soup with hummingbird flower, banana blossom salad, garlic stir-fried bitter melon flower… These flowers all have crispy, sweet, or sour tastes and are delicious whether cooked in soup or stir-fried.


Gia Linh

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